
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Anche politiche "sciagurate" danno i loro frutti

E' stata una serie di «eventi disgraziati», sorride David Brooks sul New York Times, ad averci portato oggi a nutrire così tante speranze per il Medio Oriente. Sono state le "sciagurate" politiche messe in atto da Sharon e Bush, odiati e condannati da tre quarti del mondo:
«It almost makes you think that all those bemoaners and condemners don't know what they are talking about. Nothing they have said over the past three years accounts for what is happening now».
Bush invece ci ha visto giusto:
«deduced that Sharon could grasp the demographic reality and lead Israel toward a two-state solution; that Arafat would never make peace, but was a retardant to peace; that Israel has a right to fight terrorism; and that Sharon would never feel safe enough to take risks unless the U.S. supported him when he fought back. Bush concluded that peace would never come as long as Palestine was an undemocratic tyranny, and that the Palestinians needed to see their intifada would never bring triumph... We owe this cautiously hopeful moment to a series of unfortunate events - and to a president who disregarded the received wisdom». Leggi tutto

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