Falouja, Iraq, nella grande moschea. Un sermone che qualcuno non si aspetta (grazie a Diego che me lo ha segnalato)
La scorsa settimana a Falouja, città dell'Iraq, durante una manifestazione ci sono stati scontri a fuoco tra gli iracheni e le truppe americane, che hanno ucciso alcuni civili. Quelli che seguono sono brani tratti dal sermone pronunciato venerdì 2 maggio da Sheikh Jamal Shakir Al-Nazzal alla grande moschea di Falouja. Gli estremisti islamici, ma spesso anche in troppi qui da noi, hanno interesse a presentare l'Islam come una religione incompatibile con la democrazia. Si tratta di razzismo e nonostante le tensioni e le tragedie che si stanno vivendo in Iraq, gli islamici non sono così ostili agli americani "invasori" come qualcuno vorrebbe farci credere, perfino nelle moschee si predica diversamente.
Il sermone rispercorre fin dalle origini i rapporti tra Occidente e Islam, i rapporti all'insegna della tolleranza tra le religioni del libro, ribadendo i principi e l'essenza dell'Islam:
«'We are guided by the Koran and by the words of the Prophet. Anyone who harms the People of the Book harms me.' What does this mean? If you are a Muslim and in your country are Jews, Christians, and Sabians, do not harm them, because if you harm them, you are harming the Prophet Muhammad. How wonderful this tolerance is?!... Islam is the religion of tolerance, the religion of good, the religion of love».
«Hear, countries of the world: In our city there are no weapons. Do we have weapons of mass destruction?! We have weapons of mass construction: good deeds, the Koran, prayer. This is our weapon. We are people of mass construction and not of mass destruction. We are people of comprehensive justice, for Islam and the other religions, and we do not differentiate between white and black, rich and poor, minister and emir, merchant and poor. No! The essence is Islam...».
Individua nell'ideologia marxista e non nell'America la causa prima delle sofferenze patite in Iraq:
«What happened to us was not caused by the force of America. By Allah, we do not fear its force, because all power is Allah's. What happened to us was because we distanced ourselves from Islam. It was not due to the power of the American forces, but because we followed Marxism and Socialism and violated the principles of Islam...».
Chiede agli americani di portare libertà e democrazia, e di andarsene, di comportarsi non secondo la loro potenza, ma secondo la loro umanità:
«If the previous government was unjust, you americans, come cooperate with us and bring freedom and democracy, as you claim, so that the Iraqi people will live in security and comfort and will elect a good government that will give rights to every human being...».
«We call on America to draw strength from its humanity and not from its power... We appreciate the things that America and its president have done for us. First of all, the removal of the siege on Iraq – for this we must thank them. Second, for not harming the Iraqi people for what the deposed rulers did».
«We call on the American forces to leave our city. We will protect our [own] people, city, and children».
«We demand always a Muslim ruler, but not an extremist and arrogant Muslim leader, as was in Iran and Afghanistan, in which there were rulers who did not understand life, and did not know how to cooperate with the countries and the other minorities and to give them rights...».
Leggi tutto.
Memri - The Middle East Media Research Insitute
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