Negli stessi stati hanno votato anche i Repubblicani e McCain se li è largamente aggiudicati tutti e tre: 50% contro 41% in Virginia; 67% contro 17% in Dist. of Columbia; 54% contro 30% in Maryland. Il senatore dell'Arizona è ormai praticamente a un passo dall'ottenere la nomination: ha conquistato 812 delegati (ne occorrono in tutto 1.191) contro i 217 di Huckabee.
Particolarmente ispirati i discorsi dei due vincitori ai loro sostenitori, con Obama che è sembrato aver già iniziato la campagna di novembre, chiamando in causa il probabile avversario repubblicano, McCain, che ha comunque definito un «eroe americano». E' una great political experience ascoltare un discorso di Obama: emana calore e ti trasporta con il suo ritmo soul. Anche se molto di quanto ha detto ieri notte non mi ha convinto, emotivamente è capace di portarti dalla sua parte.
Now when I start talking like this, some folks tell me that I've got my head in the clouds. That I need a reality check. That we're still offering false hope. But my own story tells me that in the United States of America, there has never been anything false about hope.Anche l'oratoria di McCain è "calda", «I am fired up and ready to go», trasmette la sensazione di una forza tranquilla.
I should not be here today. I was not born into money or status. I was born to a teenage mom in Hawaii, and my dad left us when I was two. But my family gave me love, they gave me education, and most of all they gave me hope – hope that in America, no dream is beyond our grasp if we reach for it, and fight for it, and work for it.
Because hope is not blind optimism. I know how hard it will be to make these changes... The politics of hope does not mean hoping things come easy. Because nothing worthwhile in this country has ever happened unless somebody, somewhere stood up when it was hard; stood up when they were told – no you can't, and said yes we can.
I do not seek the presidency on the presumption that I am blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need. I seek the presidency with the humility of a man who cannot forget that my country saved me. I am running to serve America, and to champion the ideas I believe will help us do what every American generation has managed to do: to make in our time, and from our challenges, a stronger country and a better world.
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