
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Siete certi che Kerry sia così diverso?

E' la domanda che Robert Lane Greene pone ai leader europei così sicuri di sostenere la candidatura di Kerry:

«After the Democratic convention last week, it seems obvious that any Europeans who believe Kerry's foreign policy would be a radical departure from George Bush's could be sorely disappointed. Kerry supported the Iraq war, and talks tough about winning the peace at any cost. In his acceptance speech, he vowed "never [to] give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security", a sharp contrast from the idea of Kerry as a slavish multilateralist»
Anche sugli altri temi del multilateralismo, Kerry non è troppo distante da Bush, come sulla Corte penale internazionale non lo era neanche Clinton:

«Despite his strong record on the environment, like Bush he has never endorsed the Kyoto Protocol. On another multilateralist shibboleth, the International Criminal Court, Kerry's record is little different. He supported Bill Clinton's late signature of the ICC statute, but Clinton himself said at the time "I will not, and do not recommend that my successor submit the Treaty to the Senate for advice and consent until our fundamental concerns are satisfied". In other words, Clinton did not support or expect ratification of the treaty. And Kerry, like Bush, has spoken out repeatedly about the need to protect America's troops from ICC jurisdiction. He voted twice for the American Servicemembers' Protection Act, which even authorizes the president to free by force any Americans held by the ICC».
«Kerry has been vastly different from Bush in the tone and style he uses to deal with America's enemies and friends. He has repeatedly charged that Bush wasted the world's goodwill after September 11, was needlessly brusque about rejecting Kyoto and the ICC, and treated the UN as a rubber stamp for the Iraq war rather than making a real effort to win its approval».
E conclude:
«Would a change in tone be enough to make the Europeans embrace a pro-war, pro-pre-emption, anti-Kyoto and anti-ICC President Kerry? It might».
New Republic

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