
Saturday, August 07, 2004

Le misteriose metamorfosi di J.F.Kerry/2

A parlarne stavolta, in modo pungente, è William Kristol, in un articolo sul Weekly Standard intitolato The Antiwar Candidate. Da un esame analitico - a dire il vero fin troppo sofistico, quasi pretestuoso - del discorso di Kerry alla DNC, conclude che, nonostante sia un flip-flopping e oggi dica il contrario, John Kerry resta un antiwar, e le sue politiche per la sicurezza e la difesa inadeguate:
«(...) began his political career as an antiwar activist. He remained one through his Senate career, opposing President Reagan's efforts in Central America and the first Gulf War under the first President Bush. And at heart he remains one still. Kerry claims he wants to fight the war on terror. But in key respects he still sounds more like a protester against, than a prosecutor of, the war on terror».

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