
Friday, January 28, 2005

Come ti divoro un mito del giornalismo liberal

Sul Los Angeles Times il neocon Max Boot demolisce un mito del giornalismo liberal, quello che rivelò il massacro di My Lai, in Vietnam. Seymour Hersh è guidato dal «pregiudizio ideologico», si dimostra «l'equivalente nel giornalismo di Oliver Stone», uno «zelota della sinistra».
«It has become a cliche to call Bob Woodward and Seymour Hersh the greatest investigative reporters of their generation — Woodward the consummate insider, Hersh the ultimate outsider. In truth the differences outweigh the similarities. Though he achieved fame by bringing down a Republican administration, Woodward is no ideologue. His only bias, as far as I can tell, is in favor of his sources. Within those parameters he produces invaluable, if incomplete, accounts of government deliberations. Hersh, on the other hand, is the journalistic equivalent of Oliver Stone: a hard-left zealot who subscribes to the old counterculture conceit that a deep, dark conspiracy is running the U.S. government...».
Così Boot ha gioco facile a elencare tutti gli scoop mai confermati o smentiti per totale infondatezza. Continua

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