
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Francia e Germania tornino dalla parte giusta della storia

Era prevedibile che Thomas Freidman, sul New York Times, gioisse delle elezioni irachene. Attendevo il suo editoriale ed è arrivato.
«What threatens America most from the Middle East are the pathologies of a region where there is too little freedom and too many young people who aren't able to achieve their full potential. The only way to cure these pathologies is with a war of ideas within the Arab-Muslim world so those with bad ideas can be defeated by those with progressive ones. We can't fight that war. Only the Arab progressives can».
Con la nostra collaborazione, dei soldati americani e britannici. In questa visione Bush ha ragione, anche se commette degli errori.
«We have to proceed with more wisdom and more allies. But proceed we must, and now we can at least do so with the certainty that partnering with the Iraqi people to build a decent consensual government is not crazy - it's really difficult, but not crazy».
Attenzione agli scontenti: l'Iran e al-Zarqawi.
«This election has made it crystal clear that the Iraq war is not between fascist insurgents and America, but between the fascist insurgents and the Iraqi people. One hopes the French and Germans, whose newspapers often sound more like Al Jazeera than Al Jazeera, will wake up to this fact and throw their weight onto the right side of history».

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