
Monday, June 04, 2007

Attacco congiunto al darwinismo

I fondamentalisti cristiani sembrano aver trovato alleati nella loro battaglia contro la teoria dell'evoluzionismo. Di chi poteva trattarsi se non di fondamentalisti islamici? Magdi Allam ci informa, oggi sul Corriere della Sera, che l'Italia, dopo altri paesi europei, è stata «invasa da centinaia, forse migliaia di copie di un volumone di circa 800 pagine patinate a colori di ottima qualità». Pesa 6 chili e su internet viene venduto a euro 75,45, ma è stato tradotto in italiano e spedito in regalo a scuole, biblioteche, giornali, istituzioni scientifiche.

Si tratta dell'"Atlante della Creazione", di Harun Yahya, pseudonimo del "teologo" e scrittore islamico turco Adnan Oktar, sostenitore del complotto mondiale giudaico-massonico, un tale che in un suo precedente lavoro, del 1996, la "Menzogna dell'Olocausto", sosteneva che «ciò che viene presentato come olocausto è la morte di alcuni Ebrei a causa dell'epidemia di tifo nel corso della guerra e della fame».

Nel libro regalato in tutta Italia, oltre a bocciare senz'appello il darwinismo, gli attribuisce tutti i mali della nostra epoca: fascismo, nazismo e terrorismo. Un «investimento impressionate», osserva giustamente Magdi Allam, per «l'indottrinamento a una versione oscurantista dell'islam», per «plagiare i nostri figli sottoponendoli a un lavaggio del cervello ideologico». Chi ha pagato? Chi ha fornito gli indirizzari? Pare che ci sia dietro l'Ucoii, l'organizzazione integralista legata ai Fratelli Musulmani, ma rimangono gli interrogativi sulla provenienza di un vero e proprio fiume di denaro destinato alla propaganda ideologica.


Anonymous said...

Sola Scriptura.
E' un guaio sia che ci si riferisca alla Bibbia, sia che ci riferisca al Corano.

Anonymous said...

PS: ma e' un guaio anche se ci si chiama Odifreddi e si crede ciecamente nelle ciofeche che ci si scrive da soli...

Anonymous said...

It is true that the British and Papal forces are locked in
struggle. But it is also important to realise who their partners are,
even if the partnership have cracks. The British are aligned with the
Jewish, Byzantine and Hindu forces. The Papal forces are aligned
with the Islamic and Confucian forces.

Cromwell brought back Britain's Jews and made them loyal to the
British agenda. America's Puritans were also aligned with the Jews.
Disraeli made Israel part of the British agenda. Jefferson and
Franklin were instructed by a Greek named Paradise how to write the
Constituion and set up universities loyal to the Greek agenda.
Byzantines have a politburo called "Archons" to which even Gorbachev
belongs. The Byzantine forces have control over Russia as well as the
old Alexandrian hegemonies of Egypt and Syria. This is why Greek
shippers control Arab and Russian oil. Greek shippers shipped slaves
to America which were captured by Arabs and their African allies.
Greek-born British Prince Philip has reverted to Orthodox Christianity
in his old-age. All the money in India is in Orthodox Christian,
Zorastrian or Jewish hands. As the USA is moving towards a Papal
majority, the British hegemony is moving jobs to India, which is more
likely to be aligned with British interests.

The Papacy always had good ties to Islam, not just because of
abortion. The Papacy has always used Islam and Confucianism against
their enemies. Marco Polo reopened ties to China, which they saw as a
counterforce to Byzantium and Russia. Even when Muhammad was alive,
the Papacy wanted to use Islam to destabilize Byzantium. The Pope
opposed any action against Saddam because Tariq Aziz was a Papal
Chaldean. Hitler was a Papal altar boy and was aligned with Islam and

Anonymous said...

It is true that the British and Papal forces are locked in
struggle. But it is also important to realise who their partners are,
even if the partnership have cracks. The British are aligned with the
Jewish, Byzantine and Hindu forces. The Papal forces are aligned
with the Islamic and Confucian forces.

Cromwell brought back Britain's Jews and made them loyal to the
British agenda. America's Puritans were also aligned with the Jews.
Disraeli made Israel part of the British agenda. Jefferson and
Franklin were instructed by a Greek named Paradise how to write the
Constituion and set up universities loyal to the Greek agenda.
Byzantines have a politburo called "Archons" to which even Gorbachev
belongs. The Byzantine forces have control over Russia as well as the
old Alexandrian hegemonies of Egypt and Syria. This is why Greek
shippers control Arab and Russian oil. Greek shippers shipped slaves
to America which were captured by Arabs and their African allies.
Greek-born British Prince Philip has reverted to Orthodox Christianity
in his old-age. All the money in India is in Orthodox Christian,
Zorastrian or Jewish hands. As the USA is moving towards a Papal
majority, the British hegemony is moving jobs to India, which is more
likely to be aligned with British interests.

The Papacy always had good ties to Islam, not just because of
abortion. The Papacy has always used Islam and Confucianism against
their enemies. Marco Polo reopened ties to China, which they saw as a
counterforce to Byzantium and Russia. Even when Muhammad was alive,
the Papacy wanted to use Islam to destabilize Byzantium. The Pope
opposed any action against Saddam because Tariq Aziz was a Papal
Chaldean. Hitler was a Papal altar boy and was aligned with Islam and